Backcountry Horsemen of California

Header Image of BCHC Members on a Trail.

Objectives and Purpose

Strategic Plan

The BCHC Strategic Plan was developed in 2019-20 to make it easier for those in leadership positions to carry out their volunteer work. Outlines and checklists of proven best practices from units with experience hosting a particular event are provided. The action plans are guidelines for growing our membership and for transitioning to the next generation of leaders.

Backcountry Horsemen in California…

Pack tools, equipment and supplies in and out of remote areas to assist public agencies.

Clear and maintain trails to reduce erosion, protect endangered species and increase safety.

Pick up litter, clean campgrounds.

Share trails safely and practice proper trail etiquette with other users.

Educate members and the public.

Participate in public events to promote BCHC.

Enjoy pack trips to remote locations.

Work with youth.

Assist adults and youth through equine therapy.

Build, repair and do other construction projects.

Conduct social events, trail rides and fundraisers.

From the mountains to the sea, and all that’s in between, volunteer Backcountry Horsemen work to keep public lands trails open for future generations.

Connect with nature. Breathe the fresh air. Enjoy the beauty of the backcountry.

Please support us!

Join BCHC or get involved by making a single or monthly donation to help us protect trails for future generations.  No contribution is too small.

Thank you.