Backcountry Horsemen of California

Header Image of BCHC Members on a Trail.

Volunteer Service Hours

Volunteerism is one of the most important activities Backcountry Horsemen can use in our effort to perpetuate enjoyable common sense use of horses in the backcountry. Tracking your volunteer hours and then reporting them to your unit’s Volunteer Hours Coordinator allows our organization to qualify for grants and funding, which help to maintain everyone's access to public lands.

A project is a volunteer effort by one or more individuals that aids a governmental agency in the maintenance or management of public lands. It includes trail projects, facility maintenance, participation in planning meetings and educational sessions as well as the mileage traveled and out of pocket expenses in support of these efforts. It is important to record all the resources used, transportation costs, and livestock use as well as the time devoted to a project.

Volunteer Service Awards are presented to the BCHC unit(s) that completed the most outstanding service record for the year.

The California Volunteer Hours Reporting Guide will assist you in tracking and reporting your hours.

Download the Volunteer Hours Reporting Excel spreadsheet each year to find the current rate values. Change the name of the Excel file to include your unit and year of reporting.

A Volunteer Service Hours Report shall be completed by each unit and the Summary forwarded to the BCHC 2nd Vice President (Service) by February 1 of each year.

Additional documents: Blank Saddle Bag Report Sheet, Project Questionnaire Worksheet

If you have any questions about what hours to document, what forms to use and/or how to complete the forms, please contact the BCHC 2nd Vice President (Service).

Volunteer Hour Reporting Types

(Click photo for detailed information)






Trail Miles


Education & LNT

Public Meeting

Admin Service


Power Equipment

Heavy Equipment


Stock Used/Stock Days


Dollar Amount

Unit Volunteer Service Award

This award is presented to the BCHC unit that completed the most outstanding service record for the year. Each unit prepares a complete report of the year’s activities, using the Volunteer Service Hours Repost form. Two awards are given: (1) Highest Dollar Value Per Capita and (2) Highest Dollar Value. These Awards are presented at the BCHC Rendezvous annually.