Documents & Forms
The BCHC Documents & Forms page is a compilation of BCHC-created materials, organized by topic.
To assist users in finding materials, items may be found under more than one topic.
See the Resources tab for materials and links from outside the BCH organization.
Backcountry Horsemen of California - State - 501(c)4
BCHC Approval of Printed Material, #4-1096
BCHC Behavior Modification Policy, #34-0223-1
NOTE: Originally called BCHC Conflict Resolution Policy. To help change the negative behavior of a BCHC member.
BCHC 501(c)4 State Bylaws
BCHC Policy on Making Changes to BCHC Bylaws, #1022
Club Membership Policy – Protocols for BCHC Units, #4-0222-2
BCHC Complaint Policy, #34-224-1
BCHC Conflict of Interest/Self-Dealing Transaction Policy, Annual Disclosure, #34- 0221-2
California Conservation Corps Policy, #1097-1
NOTE: (Approved 10/11/1997) "The BCHC will support, facilitate and coordinate with the California Conservation
Corps as well as the public lands agency on projects."
Core Beliefs of BCHC, #34-397-3
NOTE: (Approved 3/13/1997). Statement of BCHC policies in regard to trails, trailheads, streams and lakes,
grazing, alternative means of travel, volunteer service and environmental concerns. Request copy from
BCHC Secretary.
Dealing With Disruptive Behavior.
From Robert's Rules of Order for Dummies. A helpful guide for meeting leaders.
BCHC Dues Policy, #4-1021-2
BCHC Elections Policy, #4-1021-4
Policy for Formation of a New Backcountry Horsemen Unit, #4-1021-1
Starting a New Backcountry Horsemen Unit
NOTE: 11-page booklet describing the steps to form a new BCHC unit.
Gentle Use Guide
NOTE: A pocket guide for Backcountry Stock Users.
BCHC Leadership Training and Resource Manual, revised January 2024, #34-1296
BCHC Membership Application Form (revised Jan. 2025)
Missed Meeting Waiver for Executive Committee, Ed Fund Board and Board of Directors
Officers Training Manual Policy, #34-1296
BCHC Packing Policy
BCHC Strategic Plan as of February 10, 2019
BCHC Structure
BCHC Subcommittee Policy for Leadership Teams, #34-0222-1
Subordinate Officer Selection Policy, #34-0223-2
Trail Partnership Policies, #34-1021-3
Pacific Crest Trail Association Volunteer Code of Conduct Addendum to Policy #34-1021-3
BCHC Unit Assets Policy, #4-1021-5
BCHC Policy on Existing and New Wilderness Designations (Policy #0302-1, Approved 3/8/2002)
NOTE: BCHC policy not supporting any new wilderness designations until three specific points are adopted for all existing
and proposed Wilderness areas. See policy for three points.
BCHC Conflict of Interest/Self-Dealing Transaction Policy, Annual Disclosure, #34- 0221-2
NOTE: Must be signed each year by members of the BCHC Executive Committee, BCHC Ed Fund Board and BCHC Board of Directors.
Yearly Unit Report
BCHC Suggested Web Guidelines
BCHC Unit Inventory
NOTE: This form is an Excel spreadsheet and must be downloaded to use.
BCHC: Who We Are and What We Do
BCHC Education Fund, Inc. - State - 501(c)3
BCHC 501(c)3 State Bylaws (latest revision).
NOTE: Bylaws are a “living document,” subject to occasional changes.
Contact the
BCHC Secretary to obtain the most current version.
BCHC Policy on Making Changes to BCHC Bylaws (Policy #1022, Approved 10/8/22)
BCHC Conflict of Interest/Self-Dealing Transaction Policy, Annual Disclosure (Policy #34-0221-2, Amended 2/5/22)
Backcountry Horsemen of California Custodian of Records (COR) Policy and Procedures (Policy #3-1019-2)
Dealing With Disruptive Behavior.
From Robert's Rules of Order for Dummies. A helpful guide for meeting leaders.
501(c)3 Funds Process Flow Chart
BCHC Education Fund Grants Policy (Policy #3-0221-3)
BCHC Elections Policy (Policy #4-1021-4, Approved 10/2/21)
BCHC Intern Policy (Policy #3-1018-1)
BCHC Leadership Training and Resource Manual, revised January 2024 (Policy #34-1296)
Backcountry Horsemen of California Saw Certification Program (Policy #3-0316. March 30, 2016)
BCHC Structure
BCHC Subcommittee Policy for Leadership Teams (Policy #34-0222-1, Approved 2/5/22)
Subordinate Officer Selection Policy (Policy #34-0223-2, Approved 2/4/22, amended 10/2023)
BCHC Youth Activities Policy (Policy #1018-2a. Approved 10/13/18, amended 10/12/19 and 10/8/22)
BCHC Youth Activities Background Check Requirement Policy (Policy #1019-1, Approved 10/19/19. Amended and approved 10/2023)
Youth Fair Labor Standards for BCHC Minor Members Policy (Policy #1020-1)
Are You a Mountain Lion Lunch?
A Common Sense Guide for Understanding Mountain Lions.
Bare Bottom Basics
"Improper disposal of human waste can produce significant health hazards"
Black Bear Sense
"Having more people and vehicles in the back country doesn’t mean there is less danger”
Hello Camp
A Common Sense Guide for Selecting a Campsite and Use of Fire
Equine First Aid
"A simple and easy reference guide to common issues and solutions for your critters!"
High Country Manners
A Common Sense Guide for Gentle Use of the Backcountry
Highlines in the Backcountry
A versatile system that protects the resources, your stock, and your gear!
How to Have a Safe and Enjoyable Trail Ride
Here are some tips for a day out riding with safety in mind first!
Living with Rattlesnakes
What's lurking in the grass...................?
Lost Rider Plan
If you don't know where you are going or where you came from, you are lost
What’s the Buzz??
So what is that buzz or hum of wings? Is it a bee or wasp?
Who We Are and What We Do!
A great overview of each one of the Gentle Use Concepts!
Other Useful Materials
Gentle Use Guide
Packers Manual Part 1 - Pack & Saddle Stock Camping
Packers Manual Part 2 - Use of Pack Equipment
Packers Manual Part 3 - Animals
Packers Manual Part 4 - Kitchen & Camp Setup
Packers Manual Part 5 - Wilderness Act Ethics & Other Readings
Packers Manual Part Appendix
Planning a Pack Trip
Leave No Trace Riders Wanted posters
What the Horse Sees
BCHC Education Awards – Unit and Individual
BCHC Educational Project Submission Form, Form 1
Budget, Form 3
BCHC Educational Project Completion Form, Form 5
BCHC Educational Project Submission Form, Form 4
Grants - a 501(c)3 activity
Important Note: If you have questions or concerns about BCHC insurance coverage,
please contact
BCHC 1st VP (Insurance) NOT the insurance agent.
Intern Program - a 501(c)3 activity
Leave No Trace - a 501(c)3 activity
Gentle Use Guide
LNT Group Use Brochure
Leave No Trace Riders Wanted posters
Public Lands
Rendezvous – a 501(c)3 activity
Saw Program – a 501(c)3 activity
Units (Established or New)
Volunteer Service Hours Reporting
Wilderness Riders – a 501(c)3 activity
Youth - a 501(c)3 activity