Backcountry Horsemen of California

Header Image of BCHC Members on a Trail.


The Purpose of Ed Fund Grants

The BCHC Education Fund, Inc. receives and grants charitable monies to be used in educating BCHC membership and the public about Leave No Trace principles as they apply to stock use in the backcountry. In addition, the charitable funds may be used to support any BCHC Education Fund program. Donated funds are handled in accordance with BCHC Education Fund Grants Policy.

The Education Fund Grant Committee

The BCHC Education Fund Grants Committee is led by the VP of Education and includes the BCHC Secretary and Treasurer plus one Wilderness Rider and one additional member. The committee accepts, evaluates and recommends funding of grant applications for qualified projects.

A 501(c)3 Funds Process Flow Chart showing the process from donation to project completion may be found here.

Donating to the BCHC Education Fund

BCHC’s Education Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations to this fund and all BCHC education programs are tax deductible. (Donations to the BCHC Legal Fund are not tax deductible.)

The BCHC Education Fund, Inc. Board of Directors may accept on behalf of the BCHC Education Fund, Inc. any contribution, gift, bequest, or devise for the purposes of this corporation.

Businesses or individuals may donate to the BCHC Education Fund as a charitable donation in cash, services or goods. If a donation is of goods or services, the business or individual donor is responsible for assigning the value of these donated goods/services. Donors may give their money in two ways:

To Apply for an Ed Fund Grant

BCHC units in good standing may apply for grant funding. Applicants submit a completed Grant Application, including required forms, to the BCHC Education Fund, Inc. Secretary. Forms must be signed by the unit president. Incomplete or unsigned applications will be returned for completion which may delay funding.

Two Types of Grants

Processing a Grant Application

The Education Secretary will assign a BCHC Education Fund identifier to the form and strip off all other unit identifying words. The Secretary will fill in the applicable sections of Form 2 prior to sending to the Grants Committee. In addition, the Secretary will provide to the Grants Committee pertinent information concerning lines 7-10 of Form 2. The Grants Committee will then be forwarded this anonymous document for evaluation using Form 2 to score the project.

The Grants Committee functions in accordance with Article 2, Section 2, of the BCHC Education Fund, Inc. Bylaws. The primary objective of the grants must meet the following criteria: To educate people on how to utilize the principles of Leave No Trace for preserving and improving the backcountry wilderness areas of California; to promote educational programs that benefit stock users; and to promote cooperative interactions with other user groups regarding safety, care and the protection of our backcountry resources. The Grants Committee meets from time to time, as need dictates, to conduct its business in assessing applications and making funding recommendations to the board. The Grants

Committee will forward to the BCHC President and the Secretary their ranked recommendations for funding of all received applications. The Grants Committee will send all members’ scoring rubrics (Form 2), the anonymous proposal (modified Form 1), the proposal’s budget information (Form 3) with their report to the President. They may recommend complete funding, partial funding, or no funding. If partial or no funding is recommended, the committee will provide a critique of the project as to why it was not adequate for complete funding. The Grants Committee will also serve as the review committee for project monitoring and follow-up until the Completion Report(s) are submitted.

BCHC Education Fund Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All 501(c)3 grants must be education related.

If you have questions about the policy or procedure for donating to or obtaining Ed Fund Grants, contact BCHC Ed Fund Treasurer.