Backcountry Horsemen of California

Header Image of BCHC Members on a Trail.

BCHC Educational Flyers

Other Useful Materials


BCHC focuses its efforts in three key areas:

Members of the Backcountry Horsemen of California are dedicated to preserving the traditional use of recreational saddle and pack stock in the backcountry. Through education we encourage members and the public to improve and promote the use, care and development of trails, campsites, streams and meadows, and to advocate good trail manners.

Education One Education Two

Know What's Going On With Education

BCHC State Education Committee

The State Education Committee acts under the authority of the BCHC State Board of Directors with a Vice President (or Co-Vice Presidents) elected by the BCHC State Board. The State Education Committee is made up of one delegate from each BCHC unit. The committee is responsible for gathering, organizing and producing educational materials. These materials are to be used by the units and their Education Committees to plan and conduct educational programs.

The State Education Committee is also responsible for the education component of the annual Rendezvous and manages the Wilderness Rider , Masters of Leave No Trace/Leave No Trace Programs. For more information, please contact the BCHC VP of Education.

State Education Steering Committee

The BCHC State Education Steering Committee is responsible for overseeing the gathering, organizing and producing of educational materials to be used by BCHC, its units and unit Education Chairpersons.

The State Education Steering Committee is comprised of the Vice President of Education, the Vice Chairman of Education (appointed by the Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Education from existing Education Steering Committee members), and four members of the Education Committee. It is preferred that Education Steering Committee members are, or have been, a unit Education Chair, a Wilderness Rider, or a Master of LNT. New Education Steering Committee members are selected via an application process by the VP of Education and existing members of the State Education Steering Committee. Education Steering Committee members serve two-year terms.

Wilderness Riders

Wilderness Rider

BCHC’s Wilderness Rider program is a partnership between Backcountry Horsemen of California, the National Park Service, the USDA Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management.

Wilderness Riders are trained stock users who have made a commitment to educating others about the value of wild lands and the importance of Gentle Use / Leave No Trace Skills.

“Leave No Trace Riders Wanted” Wilderness Riders recruitment posters:

Riders wanted poster. Riders wanted poster.

Visit the Wilderness Riders page or contact the Wilderness Rider Steering Committee Chair for more information.

Leave No Trace

Backcountry Horsemen of California believes that the wilderness and any public land should be left the same – or better – than you found it. BCHC provides educational events and information to members and the public. The objectives of Leave No Trace (LNT) and BCHC’s “Gentle Use” program aligned well. The two organizations have partnered together since 2011.

Leave No Trace

The following seven Leave No Trace principles provide an easily understood framework of minimum impact practices for anyone visiting the outdoors and can be applied anywhere.

  • Plan ahead and prepare
  • Dispose of waste properly
  • Travel and camp on durable surfaces
  • Minimize campfire impacts
  • Respect wildlife
  • Leave what you find
  • Be considerate of others

Visit the Leave No Trace page or contact the Wilderness Rider Steering Committee Chair for more information.

For more information about BCHC’s Education Programs and how you can be involved, contact one of the BCHC Co-VPs of Education Co-VP of Ed. 1 OR Co-VP of Ed. 2.

Youth Education Program

Backcountry Horsemen of California is committed to educating the next generation about the responsibilities and stewardship necessary to assure that our public lands are available for their use and enjoyment. We encourage families to take part in all the opportunities BCHC offers.

With the newly developed Youth Achievement Program, kids can receive awards for participating in an unlimited number of fun activities and projects throughout the state.

Riders wanted poster. Riders wanted poster.

Help BCHC youth develop self-esteem and the social and leadership skills necessary to become future leaders in BCHC. Get involved and become a Unit Youth Leader or Unit Activity Leader today.

For more information about BCHC’s Youth Education Programs and how you can be involved, contact one of the Co-VPs of Youth Education 1, or Co-VP of Youth Education 2.

Education Awards

The education efforts of individuals and units throughout the state are deserving of special recognition. Education is a cornerstone and integral part of the organization’s purpose.

Individuals and units who go the extra mile in their education efforts should be rewarded. The Backcountry Horsemen of California are proud to sponsor annual awards given to the outstanding individual and the outstanding unit for their education programs. The awards program is as follows:

  • A letter and the nominating form will be sent to all Unit Presidents and Education Chairs two months prior to Rendezvous along with the nominating form.
  • An awards committee will make the selection. This committee will be made up of three individuals from the BCHC Education Committee, selected at random.
  • The nominations will be submitted to the Education Steering Committee by February 1st.
  • The awards will be presented at the Rendezvous.

Selection Criteria for the awards is:

Individual Award

  • Someone who has demonstrated unique, creative, and innovative education programs.
  • Someone who has used different methods or made a variety of presentations.
  • Someone who has reached a variety of age groups.

The 2022 Individual Education Award Winner was Anna Baglione, Eastern Sierra Unit.

Anna Baglione

Youth Education Awards

Youth Achievement Program

When a BCHC youth completes an activity/project, a Project Completion Form is submitted to the unit’s Youth Program Leader. Each month these forms are compiled and sent to the BCHC VP of Youth Education to receive achievement medallions for that unit’s participants.

The achievement medallion is a two-inch leather medallion with leather cordage. Each activity/project category has graphics representing the project and includes the recipient’s name, unit and year. Achievement medallions are awarded to the youth at unit and/or general meetings.

Top Achiever

At the end of each year, the unit’s Youth Program Leader submits one name and a detailed explanation for the submission, for each of the four age groups. Names are placed in the running for the State Top Achiever Award, presented at Rendezvous.

(The age is determined for the calendar year of the youth’s birthday regardless of their birth month.)

6-9 years

10-12 years

13-15 years

16-18 years

This program is brand new. No awards have been presented to date.